Displaying Your DeviantArt Content on Your Wix Site

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The DeviantArt app has been retired from the Wix App Market. However, you can still upload your DeviantArt content to your site and use the DeviantArt iOS and Android apps. 
Connect your DeviantArt account to the Wix Media Manager and upload your DeviantArt content to your site. 

To connect your account:

  1. Go to your Media Manager.
  2. Click + Upload Media at the top left.
  3. Click the DeviantArt icon .
  4. Click Connect DeviantArt.
A screenshot of connecting DeviantArt to your Media Manager.
  1. Log in to DeviantArt.
  2. Select the files you want to add to your site and click Upload Selection.
    Note: Your files upload to the Site Files tab in your Media Manager. 
  3. Once your files have uploaded, select them and click the relevant button at the bottom right (e.g. Add to Page, Choose Image) to add them to your site. 

