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When a domain expires, whether due to payment failure or auto-renew being turned off, it enters a grace period lasting about 30 days. During this time, you can retrieve your domain without any additional cost. Learn more about the domain life cycle.
If you do not retrieve your domain during this time, your domain enters the redemption period. You can still retrieve your domain during the redemption period. However, for most domains you will need to pay a redemption fee to keep your domain. 
At the end of the redemption period, you cannot renew your domain name and it is released. At this point, the domain can be registered by another user.

Checking if your domain is in the redemption period

Use whois.com to check if your domain is in the redemption period. If you wish to retrieve the domain by purchasing the subscription, you can do so by contacting your domain host.

To check your domain:

  1. Go to www.whois.com
  2. Enter your domain name.
    Note: This is how the status of your domain is displayed in whois.com:
A screenshot of search results on whois.com showing a website in the redemption period.
  1. (Optional) If your domain is in the redemption period and you wish to repurchase it:
    • For domains registered at Wix: Follow the steps below. 
    • For domains registered elsewhere: Contact your domain registrar.

Retrieving a Wix domain in redemption

If your domain is registered at Wix and has entered the redemption period, you can retrieve it from the Domains page in your Wix account.

To retrieve a Wix domain:

  1. Go to your Domains page and locate the relevant domain. 
  2. Click Keep Domain within the redemption notification after reviewing the redemption fee information. 
A screenshot of the redemption notification where you can click to retrieve your domain.
  1. Enter your payment details in the checkout.
  2. Click Submit Payment.
    Note: Retrieving your domain can take up to 7 days to complete. We'll notify you of any progress via the email associated with your Wix account. 


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