Wix Editor: Customizing Collapsible Text on Your Mobile Site

4 min read
After adding collapsible text to your site, adjust it to look and behave exactly as you want for your mobile visitors. You can customize the design and layout of your collapsible text for mobile, whether it was added from desktop or from the mobile Editor. 

Adjusting the layout of collapsible text

Use the Layout panel to set how visitors see the full body of text. You can also adjust the spacing, alignment, and choose how many lines of text are displayed in the preview.

To customize your collapsible text's layout:

  1. Click the collapsible text box in the mobile Editor.
  2. レイアウトアイコンをクリック .
  3. Adjust your text's layout with the following settings:
    • How do visitors see more text?: Choose how visitors view the full body of text:
      • Expand: Your visitors can click an expand button to view the full text on the page, and then click another to collapse the text.
      • Click link: Your visitors can click a link to view the full text on the relevant page.
      • Show all text: The entire text piece is displayed on your site, and is not collapsed.
    • Number of lines displayed: Choose how many lines of text are displayed before a visitor either needs to click the expand or link button.
    • Align button: Select whether the expand / link button is aligned to the left, center, or right of the text.
    • Spacing between text and button: Make the spacing between the text and the expand / link button bigger or smaller.
The collapsible text layout panel in the mobile editor. The icon has been highlighted.

Customizing the design of collapsible text

Use options such as formatting, font, and color, to edit the body of text, as well as the expand or link button to make them look exactly as you want.

To customize the design of collapsible text:

  1. Click the text box.
  2. Click the Design icon .
  3. Click Customize Design.
  4. Click the What do you want to design? drop-down menu and click the relevant area: Text or Button
  5. Design the text and button of your collapsible text using the available options: 

