Submitting App Changes to Apple and Google

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Some changes you make to your branded app require approval by Apple and Google before they go live. These changes include anything that comes before member log in or visitor mode.

What changes must be approved by Apple and Google?

Brand and design

  • Name and icon: Changes to your app's name and/or logo.
  • Launch screen: Changes to the design of your app's launch screen (what members see when the app loads).
  • Login screen: Changes to the login screen.
Learn more about designing your branded app.

Store listings

Since your app's store listings appear in both the App Store and Google Play, any content, icon, or category changes must be reviewed and approved by Apple and Google before the updated listings go live.

What changes go live right away?

Changes that go live right away include:
Part of your Branded App plan includes automatic app updates. Every 2 weeks, Wix submits an app update to the App Store & Google Play on your behalf. The update includes new features, bug fixes and performance updates. Learn more

