ADI: Managing Your Loyalty Program

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This feature is currently only available for Wix Restaurants. 
Manage your loyalty program from your site's dashboard, including how points are earned, rewards that can be redeemed, and more.
In this article, learn how to:

Changing your loyalty program details

You can update your loyalty program name, the name for your points, your points icon, or the text and images that appear on your program's login page.

To update your loyalty program details:

  1. Go to Loyalty Program in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Program.
  3. Click Edit Program.
  4. Update your loyalty program details:
    • Program name: Give your program a name that suits your brand.
    • Points name: Choose to keep the default points name Points or select Custom to measure customer loyalty differently, e.g., “Stars” or “Hearts”. You can then choose a star or heart points icon to match.
    • Points icon: Click the Update icon  to select a new icon for your points.
  5. 保存をクリックする。 

Updating how customers earn loyalty points

Loyalty points are awarded to customers who make purchases from your restaurant. You can change the way your customers earn points at any time from your site's dashboard.

To update how customers earn points:

  1. Go to Loyalty Program in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Program.
  3. Click Edit Action next to the points you want to update.
  4. Update how points are earned.
  5. 保存をクリックする。
Add more ways for your customers to earn loyalty points with Wix Automations.

Updating your loyalty rewards

Your loyalty rewards are awarded to customers using Wix Automations. You can update your loyalty rewards automations at any time.

To update your loyalty rewards:

  1. Go to Loyalty Program in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Program.
  3. Click Edit next to the reward you want to update.
  4. Update the reward. 
  5. 保存をクリックする。

Managing reward notifications

An email is sent to customers when they have collected enough loyalty points to redeem a reward. This email is sent to both signed up participants, and customers who have not yet signed up to your loyalty program. When non-participants sign up, they can access their points balance and redeem rewards.
You can deactivate the automatic email notification in Wix Automations.

Deactivating the email notification:

  1. Go to your Automations dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to My Active Automations.
  3. Click the toggle on the relevant automation to change it to Inactive.  

Changing the currency of your loyalty program

The currency of your loyalty program can be changed through the Language & Region settings in your site's dashboard. 

To change your currency:

  1. Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Language & Region.
  3. Scroll down to Site currency.
  4. Click the Currency drop-down and select your currency.
  5. Click Save.

Pausing your loyalty program

To pause your loyalty program, disable all the ways members can earn loyalty points and redeem rewards. You can also hide the loyalty page on your site. You can resume your loyalty program whenever you're ready.
If you delete your site's Loyalty and Rewards pages, your loyalty program is deleted.

Step 1 | Disable ways to earns points and use rewards

  1. Go to Loyalty Program in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Program.
  3. Disable the toggles under Earn Points to make them Inactive
  4. Disable the toggles under Rewards to make them Inactive.

Step 2 | Hide the loyalty page on your site

  1. Go to your Editor.
  2. Click the header of your site in ADI.
  3. Click Edit next to Site Menu
  4. Hover over the Loyalty page and click the Show More  icon.
  5. Click Hide Item.
  1. Click Publish to make your changes go live. 
You can still give points and edit the points balances of your customers while your loyalty program is paused. 

Resuming your loyalty program

To resume your paused loyalty program, activate a way to earn loyalty points and redeem loyalty rewards.

Step 1 | Activate ways to earns points and use rewards

  1. Go to Loyalty Program in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Program.
  3. Enable the toggles under Earn Points to make them Active.
  4. Enable the toggles under Rewards to make them Active.

Step 2 | Show the loyalty page on your site

  1. Go to your Editor.
  2. Click the header of your site in ADI.
  3. Click Edit next to Site Menu
  4. Hover over the Loyalty page and click the Show More icon.
  5. Click Show.
  1. Click Publish to make your changes go live.

