ADI: Displaying Your Social Media Account Links

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Use social media account links to boost your site's visibility, and encourage visitors to keep up to date with your business or brand on other platforms and sites.
Your social links are automatically implemented for you using the information from social media that we have found about your business. You can also add more social media account links to the Header, Footer or Contact section of your site.
An ADI live site. The social media account icons in the site header are highlighted.

You can add the following social media account links to your site:
  • フェイスブック
  • ツイッター
  • インスタグラム
  • ピンタレスト
  • ユーチューブ
  • ブロガー
  • Flickr
  • Houzz
  • SoundCloud
  • Tumblr
  • ヴィデオ
  • VK
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Google Places
  • Yelp
  • トリップアドバイザー

Add social media links to encourage visitors to follow or subscribe to your accounts on different platforms. You can add links to your site's header, footer, and contact section to ensure they're always visible to your site visitors.

To add social media account links to your site:

  1. Open your site in ADI.
  2. Click the section you want to add the links to (header, footer or contact).
  3. Click the Show/Hide アイコン Social Accounts.
  4. Click the social icons.
The Social Accounts option in the section panel in ADI. The cursor is hovering over the social link icons.
  1. Click the Show/Hide アイコン next to the icons you want to show.
  2. Hover over each icon and click the Edit icon .
The Edit icon next to a social media icon in the section panel.
  1. Enter the URL of the relevant social page.


Click a question below to learn more about socal media account links.

