ADI: Getting Feedback on Your Site

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Learn what clients, colleagues, or friends think about your site before you publish. Using the Get Feedback feature, you can share your site in order to receive and review helpful comments and suggestions.  

Sharing your site to get feedback

Generate a link to share your site with whoever you want. When someone accesses your shareable Get Feedback link, they can view your site and add comments as needed. 

To share your site to get feedback:

  1. Click Site on the top bar of the ADI Builder.
  2. Click Get Feedback.
  3. Click Copy Link next to the Shareable link URL.
The Get Feedback link generator in ADI. The cursor is hovering over the option to copy the link.
  1. Send the Shareable link URL to anyone you want to receive feedback from.

Reviewing and resolving your site feedback comments

When someone accesses your shareable Get Feedback link and adds a comment, you're notified by email. You can review, reply to, and resolve each comment from Get Feedback. 

To review your Get Feedback comments:

  1. Go to your site's Get Feedback feature:
    • From the notification email: Open the email titled "You got feedback on the [site name] website" and click the View Feedback link. 
    • From your site's dashboard: Click Site Actions and select Get Feedback. Then select View Comments.
    • From the Editor or ADI: Click Site at the top and select Get Feedback. Then click View Comments
    • From your Partner Dashboard: Hover over the relevant site under Site Feedback and click Get Feedback. Then click View Comments
  2. (Optional) Select the type of comments you'd like to view:
    • Desktop or Mobile View: Click Desktop View or Mobile View at the top. 
    • Open or Resolved Comments: Click the Showing Open Comments drop-down at the top-right and select an option (Showing open comments, or Showing resolved comments).
The Get Feedback tool in ADI. The option for desktop and mobile are highlighted, and the Open comments option is selected.
  1. Review comments on the right and click テイク・ミー・ゼア next to the relevant comment to view its location.
    注: You can also click the Comment icons  in the app to view comments.
The Get Feedback tool in ADI. The Take Me There button is highlighted, and a comment is open.
  1. (Optional) Enter a reply and click Reply to reply to the commenter's post. 
  2. Hover over the comment and click Resolve to mark it as resolved.
The Get Feedback tool in ADI. A reply has been sent to a comment, and the cursor is hovering over the Resolve button.


Select an option to learn more about the Get Feedback feature:

