ADI: Troubleshooting Outdated Info and Thumbnail on Facebook

読了目安時間: 2分
When you share a page of your site on Facebook, it takes your page's title tag, meta description, and site thumbnail:
If your information appears out of date when you share your site on Facebook, make sure to check your page's title tag and meta description.
  • Once you have updated the above, make sure to publish your site again.
  • Facebook may take some time to process the new information.

If your information still appears out of date, please use the Facebook debugger.

To use the Facebook debugger:

  1. Click here
  2. Enter your site's URL in the URL field.
  3. Click Debug.
  4. Click either:
    • Fetch new information for URLs that have never been shared on Facebook before.
    • Scrape Again for URLs that have been shared on Facebook before.
After debugging, Facebook displays the information that was "fetched" and what is displayed when the link is shared. Scroll down to Link Preview to see what will be shared.
  • If you've debugged your site and it's still displaying the outdated info, try clicking the Scrape Again button. Sometimes you need to click this a few times before you'll see the information updated.
  • In some cases, there may be an issue on Facebook's end and the debugger does not correct the information. If this does not resolve the issue, please make sure that you have added your personal Facebook Account username (and not your Business page username) under the Social Settings.
Make sure that the thumbnail follows Facebook's recommendations in terms of size and resolution. For more information, click here

