Wix Editor: Customizing Your Member Login Bar on Your Mobile Site

読了時間の目安: 1 分
The member login menu uses the default menu list of the mobile device (iOS or Android). However, you can still change the layout of the member login bar and menu on your mobile site, including the icon size and the arrangement of the menu icons and tabs.

To change the layout of the member login bar on mobile:

  1. Click the mobile menu in the mobile Editor.
  2. Click Edit Menu.
  3. Click the member login bar.
  4. をクリックする。 レイアウト アイコン .
  5. Drag the Icon Size slider to change the size of the icons.
  6. Select how the icons and menu tabs are arranged on the login bar and menu:
    • Left to Right
    • Right to Left
You can move the login bar between your menu, header, and footer by right-clicking it, and clicking Move To. Learn More

