Wix Blog: Customizing Your Blog Text (Fonts and Color)

4 min read
Set text styles, such as fonts style, size, and color, that suit your blog. You can set a default style for different parts of your blog, or you can change the style in a specific post.
In this article learn more about:

Setting default text styles for blog feeds

Your blog feed displays a list of posts (either all posts or specific ones that you choose) and allows readers to scroll through and select the post they want to read. Make sure to choose a text style that's easy to read when scrolling.

To set default text style for your feeds:

  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Blog page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Blog Pages.
    3. Click your Blog page.
  3. 設定をクリックします。
  4. Click the Design tab.
  5. Select Posts.
  6. Click the tabs to choose which feed you want to design:
    • All Posts Feed: This is your main post feed, it displays all of your posts or specific posts that you've selected. Select the colors and fonts of the text, choose what color the text appears on hover and the customize overlay (the semi transparent background).
    • Category Feed: This feed shows a list of all your blog categories. Select the colors and fonts of the text, choose what color the text appears on hover and customize the borders and backgrounds
A screenshot showing a blog feed on a site.

Setting default text styles for the Post page

The Post page displays the full blog post. It's a dynamic page, meaning the design remains the same, no matter what post you open. Make sure to choose a font that easily readable for longer paragraphs of text. 
  • The text style you set here applies to all of your blog posts, unless you override it while writing the post itself.
  • The steps below refer to the old Post page experience. 

To set default text style for your Post page:

  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to your Post page:
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Blog Pages.
    3. Click Post.
  3. Click the Post Page element on your page.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
  5. Click the Design tab.
  6. Click Text Style & Color.
  7. Set the colors and fonts of the paragraph (main body) and heading text.
A screenshot showing the design tab options available

Setting text styles within a specific post

By default, your posts use the text styles that you set for the Blog Feeds and Post page. However, you can override these settings for a specific post, or for a specific paragraph or word within a post. This is useful if you want to highlight a specific phrase or section.

To set the text style within a post:

  1. Start writing a blog post.
  2. Highlight the text you want to style.
  3. Customize the text using the options in the text editing toolbar.
A screenshot showing text from a blog pot highlighted.

