Wix Automations: Apps Compatible with Wix Automations

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With Wix Automations you can send notifications and start a chat when a visitor takes a particular action on your site. In Wix Automations, this action is called a trigger.
Triggers apply in many in-app scenarios. However, when setting up your automation, the drop-down menu only displays triggers that are relevant to apps you already have added to your site.
The following is a list of all current possible triggers and the app where it occurs.
  • Wix Forms:
    • Visitor submits any form on your site
    • Visitor submits a specific form 
  • Get Subscribers:
    • Visitor subscribes to a mailing list
  • Price Quotes:
    • Price quote expires
    • Price quote is accepted
    • Price quote is sent
  • Invoices: 
    • Invoice is overdue
    • Invoice is paid
    • Invoice is sent
  • Wix Stores:
    • Visitor makes a purchase
    • Customer abandoned cart
  • Workflows:
    • Card is added or moved to a specific step in a workflow
  • Member's Area:
    • Visitor signs up to your site
    • Visitor gets approved as a member
    • Member logs into your site
  • Online Programs:
    • Member pays for an online program
    • Member joins an online program
    • Participant completes a step
    • Participant misses a step
    • Participant leaves an online program
    • Participant completes an online program
  • Contact Form:
    • Visitor submits a contact form
  • Inbox & Chat:
    • Message is sent to a contact through Inbox
    • Visitor sends a chat message
  • Velo by Wix:
    • Visitor submits a custom form
  • Pricing Plans:
    • Member ordered a plan
    • Member's plan was canceled
    • Member's plan expired
  • Wix Events:
    • Guest purchases a ticket
    • Guest RSVPs to an event
    • Guest is added to the waitlist for an event
  • Wix Bookings:
    • Client books a session.
    • Client cancels a session.
    • Client is checked-in for the 1st time.
      • Trigger an action after client checks in to their first session.
    • Client is checked-in to first X sessions.
      • Trigger an action after a client checks in to a set number of sessions - select the number of sessions: 5, 10 or 15.
    • Client is checked-in to a session.
      • Trigger an action after a client checks in to a session.
    • Client was last checked-in X days ago.
      • Trigger an action to re-engage with a client after a set number of days. 
    • A session starts.
    • A session ends.
  • Wix Hotels:
    • Visitor reserves a room
  • Wix Mobile App:
    • New mobile app member joins
  • Visitors:
    • Someone visits your site. Select all pages or a specific page to tigger this automation.

