
読了時間の目安: 1 分
Any company you use as a payment provider will have a list of products that they won’t process payments for. Restricted and prohibited items commonly include:
  • Tobacco & alcohol
  • 銃器・武器
  • Adult content & services
  • Medical products & services
  • Travel agencies
  • CBD (US merchants, learn more here)
Each payment provider maintains their own list of restricted or prohibited goods and services and they may have important differences in what they allow. Failure to follow their rules may result in the suspension of your payments account, blocked funds or automatic refunds to your customers.
Payment providers are required to conduct ongoing checks on your account. If you decide to begin selling a new product, we recommend you check your payment provider's Terms of Service before you begin selling the item. If the products are prohibited, you’ll need to select a different payment provider that supports those products, or remove them from sale.

