Adding a DKIM (TXT) Record

読了目安時間: 2分
A Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) record is an email authentication tool. Adding it to your business email verifies that your email was sent from a reliable, trustworthy source and was not modified en route to your recipients. 
  • You need to get the DKIM record from your email provider.
  • The DKIM key bit length can be either 2048 or 1024 characters.

To add or update a DKIM record:

  1. Go to Domains in your Wix account.
  2. Click the More Actions  icon next to the relevant domain.
  3. Select Manage DNS Records
  1. Scroll to the TXT (Text) section and click + Add Record.
  1. Enter the DKIM selector under Host Name
    Note: For Google Workspace business emails, generate a DKIM record at this link.
  2. Enter the DKIM signature under Value.
  3. 保存をクリックする。 
If your domain is connected via pointing, these directions do not apply. Contact your domain host to add DKIM records with them, as they control your DNS. 

