Unable to Open the Wix Editor

読了時間の目安: 1 分
Local issues that are specific to your computer, browser, or internet connection are the most common cause of the Wix Editor not loading. Fortunately, you can easily troubleshoot most of these issues to get your Editor loading again. We're here to help if you're still unable to open your Editor. 

To resolve issues with loading the Wix Editor:

  1. Go to the Wix Technical Assistant and follow the steps to troubleshoot the issue. 
  2. (If you are still unable to open the Editor) Contact Wix Customer Care and provide the following details: 
    • The name or URL of your Wix site. 
    • The name and version of the web browser you're using.  
    • The name and version of your computer's operating system.
    • A screenshot of your console view showing the 1st line of the error message:
      1. Open an incognito window in your browser.
      2. Sign in to Wix and try to open your Editor. 
      3. Open the console (Ctrl + Shift + J on PC or Cmd + Option + J on Mac). 
      4. をクリックする。 Console tab at the top of the panel and refresh the page (F5).
      5. Take a screenshot of the entire browser window, including the console.
        Tip: Include in your screenshot the 1st red error message(s) that appear in the console. 

