Understanding Preset Markups for Your Site's Pages

Structured data markup gives search engines detailed information about your page. You can add structured data markup to your site's pages to help improve your website's search results and ranking.
By default, Wix adds preset markups to some of your site's pages when you create them. These are Wix Stores product pages, Wix Bookings services pages, Wix Blog posts, Wix Forum posts, and Wix Events pages. 
Search engines like Google can also use markup to create rich results like article previews, product previews, and FAQs for your page's search results.
Adding structured data markup to your site's pages does not guarantee that search engines will create rich results for them. 


Preset markup basics

The preset markups that Wix creates for your site's pages use SEO best practices to give search engines optimized information about your pages. These preset markups also use variables to create dynamic code. Variables are pieces of text that represent a value, or text that's a placeholder for a value.
Using variables, you can include information that varies from page to page based on the actual content of the page. For example, the preset markup for Wix Stores product pages uses a number of placeholder variables including:
  • Product Name
  • 商品説明
  • Product Brand
  • Product Price
The actual information that is used for these placeholder variables depends on the product information that is on each page. This means that the preset markup is automatically customized for each of your pages and creates unique rich results for every product.
The preset markup for your product pages.

Managing your preset markups

You can view and manage your preset markups in the Structured data markup section of a page type's SEO Settings.
A screenshot of SEO Settings for product pages

Learn how to:

You can have up to 5 markups per SEO Setting (including the preset markup).

Types of preset markups for your site's pages

Wix automatically creates preset markups for your Wix Stores product pages, Wix Bookings services pages, Wix Blog posts, Wix Forum posts, and Wix Events pages. You can learn more about the different types of preset markups for your site's pages below.

Learn more about preset markups for:

