Branded App: Changing Your App Name and Icon

4 min read
Your app's name and icon are the first things users see when they download or open it on their phone. You can change these elements anytime to keep them up to date and aligned with your brand. Users see the app name beneath the icon when they download it to their phone.
Since this feature is only available for the Branded App by Wix, make sure to purchase a Branded App plan.
Name changes:
Changing your app's name and icon requires approval from Apple and Google before they can go live. Read about submitting changes to Apple and Google.

To change your branded app's name and icon:

Owner app
Studio app
  1. Go to the Branded Mobile App tab in your site's dashboard.
  2. をクリックする。 編集 アイコン next to your app name. 
A screenshot showing where you click the edit icon
  1. やりたいことを選択する:
    • Change your App Name: Enter your new app name in the App Name field. Learn more about the guidelines for naming your app
    • Change your App icon: をクリックする。 更新 アイコン  and select a new image for your icon.
      注: Make sure your app icon does not have a transparent background. Icons with transparent backgrounds will be rejected by Apple.
  2.  保存をクリックする。
A screenshot showing where you update your app name and icon on your desktop.

