Wix Hotels by HotelRunner: Managing Your Site Languages

The Languages tab in the dashboard is where you can manage the translated text on your site. It allows you to add or remove languages, and edit the translations for each language.
Managing your site languages helps you cater to a broader audience, as visitors to your site can view it in their preferred language. Your guests' experiences are improved and the likelihood of future bookings is increased. 
  • This article refers to the latest version of Wix Hotels by HotelRunner. We are in the process of releasing Wix Hotels by HotelRunner but it's not available to everyone yet. Sign up for more information about Wix Hotels by HotelRunner and join the beta.
  • For information on the previous version of Wix Hotels, click here
  • Currently, you can only choose one language for your site. The ability to display your site in different languages is coming soon. 
  • When you set a language other than English as the main language of your site, it's important to also include English US as a second language. This works as a backup in case translations are unclear or fail to generate. 

Adding languages to your site

Add more languages to your site to cater to a wider audience and improve the user experience for visitors. This can increase the chances of bookings and revenue by making the site more accessible. 

To add languages to your site:

  1. Go to Languages in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click + Add Language
  3. Select the relevant language from the Select Language drop-down. 
  4. Click Add New Language
Screenshot showing how to add a language to your HotelRunner app.

Setting your main language

If you add different languages to your site, make sure to select the most popular language as your main site language. 

To set your main language:

  1. Go to Languages in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions icon next to the relevant language.
  3. Click Set as main language
Screenshot showing how to set your main language on the HotelRunner app.

Removing languages from your site

You can remove a language from your site if it is not generating enough traffic or bookings, or if you no longer accept bookings from certain markets.

To remove a language from your site:

  1. Go to Languages in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions icon next to the language you want to remove. 
  3. Click Remove language, the click Yes to confirm. 
Screenshot showing how to remove a language from the HotelRunner app on your site.

Editing translated site text

You can edit the translated text that appears on your site, including on the Booking Engine element on your "Book a room" page. Properly translated text improves the overall visitor experience. It also increases the likelihood of receiving more bookings from different markets. 
When editing your translated text, make sure not to delete or edit any code text, for example: "{store_name}" or "%{count}". These codes draw information from your site so that the translated text appears in the right location on elements like your Booking Engine. 

To edit the site text in a language:

  1. Go to Languages in your site's dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Translate your content section. 
  3. Select the language in which you want to edit your site text from the drop-down on the right. 
Screenshot showing how to select in which language you want to edit the translated text.
  1. Choose what text content you want to translate:

