Wix Forum: Uploading Files

読了時間の目安: 1 分
Uploading files such as images and videos can really enhance your forum post. Wix Forum makes it easy for you to upload files from your computer to share them with your forum members. 
File Upload Limitations:
  • Max File Size: 500MB
  • Forum Owner Upload Limit: 15 files per day
  • Forum Member Upload Limit: 10 files per day

To upload files in Wix Forum:

  1. Go to your forum page in your live site.
  2. Click Create New Post or click on an existing post to comment.
  3. Edit the post accordingly.
  4. をクリックする。 アップロード アイコンin the post toolbar.
  5. Select the file you wish to upload.
  6. When you're ready, click Publish.

