Wix Forms: Removing a Form from Your Site

4 min read
Remove a form from your site when you no longer need it from your editor. After you've removed a form, you can still view the submissions data from Forms & Submissions in your dashboard.
How do I know if I'm using old Wix Forms or new Wix Forms?
This article will help you understand the differences between old and new Wix Forms. 

Removing a form from your site

You can always remove forms that you no longer want visitors to submit, keeping your site up to date. 
New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Go to the editor and select the form you want to delete.
  2. Right-click on the form.
  3. Click Delete.
Screenshot of form selected, right click panel showing and Delete highlighted.
  1. (Optional) Remove the form from your Forms & Submissions page:
    1. Go to Forms & Submissions in your site's dashboard.
    2. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン next to the relevant form and click 削除.
      ヒント This moves your form to the Deleted forms folder. After 180 days, the form will be permanently deleted with no option to restore it. 

Viewing data from a deleted form

View the form submission data for a form, even after it has been deleted from your site.
New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Go to Forms & Submissions in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Filter by: drop down and select Deleted forms.
The filters drop-down where you can select and view deleted forms
  1. Select the relevant form.
  2. Click Restore next to the relevant form.
  3. Click the Filter by: drop down and select Active forms to view the restored form.
  4. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン next to the relevant form.
  5. Select View submissions.

(New Forms only) Restoring a form

If you accidentally delete a form or need to bring back a form that you previously removed, you can restore it from the Deleted forms folder. Then, you can take further actions such as viewing form submissions and adding the form back to your site.
Forms can be restored within up to 180 days, after which they will be permanently deleted with all its submissions.

To restore a form:

  1. Go to Forms & Submissions in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Filter by: drop down and select Deleted forms.
  3. Select the relevant form.
  4. Click Restore next to the relevant form.
The Deleted Forms view in your site's dashboard, allowing you to restore a form
  1. Click the Filter by: drop down and select Active forms to view the restored form.
  2. (Optional) Add the restored form back to your site.
    1. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン next to the relevant form.
    2. Select Add to site.

