Wix Events: Creating a Private Event

4 min read
When you publish an event on your site, anyone can view the event pages and register. However, for a private event, you can limit access to event information or registration in a number of ways.
In this article, learn how to:

Limiting registration to approved site members

You can create an event that anyone accessing the site can see, but only approved site members can register for.  
A GIF showing a user registering for an event and getting to a signup page.

To limit registration to approved site members:

  1. If your site doesn't already have a Members Area, add one now.
  2. Go to Events in your site's dashboard.
  3. Select the relevant draft or published event.
  4. 設定をクリックします。
A screenshot of the Settings tab on an event in a site dashboard.
  1. Click Edit next to Registration Settings
  2. Under Who can RSVP to events on your site, select Only site members.
  3. Click Save
  4. Set up your site signup form so only people you approve can become site members.
    Note: This prevents site visitors who aren't invited to your private event from logging in and registering.
  5. (Optional) Hide the Events Details page from search engines.

Password protecting event pages

Events have a main event page, an Event Details Page (if enabled), and a Registration Form Page. You can limit access to any of these pages by making the page password protected. Any site visitor who tries to access the page them is prompted to enter the password.
An example of a Wix site where you need to enter the password in order to access an event page
Site visitors access these pages in a particular order. First the main event page, then the Event Details Page, then the Registration Page. There is no need, for example, to password protect the second page if you protected the first one, unless you want guests to enter their passwords multiple times.  

To password protect event pages:

  1. 編集者のところに行ってください。
  2. Go to the Events page: 
    1. クリック ページ&メニュー  エディターの左側にある
    2. Click Event Pages.
  3. Click the relevant event page (e.g. Schedule, Events, Events Details & Registration).
  4. をクリックする。 設定 icon .
The event site pages in the Pages and Menu panel in the Wix Editor
  1. Click the Permissions tab.
  2. Click Password Holders
  3. Enter the page's password. 
  4. (Optional) Customize the design of the password window
  5. Hide the Events Details page from search engines.
You can use this option to create multiple private events with different guest lists. Create a different password for each main event page (not the Event Details or Registration Form pages), and share it with the guests who are invited to the private event.

