Wix Editor: Creating an AI-Generated Site

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Take the time out of creating your online presence by generating a Wix site with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Enter the information and details you want to get a custom site that's relevant to your brand and design needs.

Step 1 | Enter the details

Get started by inputting the relevant details for your site. You can do this by logging in to your Wix account, or creating a new account.

To set up your site details:

  1. Log in to your account, or set up a new one.
  2. Select whether you're creating the site for personal / business use, or for a client.
  3. Click Start Chat.
  4. Choose how to answer the generator's questions:
    • Rephrase question: Select this option for the generator to ask the question in a different way.
    • Help me answer: Get suggestions from the AI chat.
    • Skip question: Skip the current question without answering.
    • End chat and continue: Exit the AI chat completely.
    • Answer: Enter the details into the field:
      • What do you want to call your site?: Enter your chosen site or business name.
      • More about your business: Enter relevant details such as the business or site type, the location, and products / services and specialties.
      • Additional information: Depending on the information you've already provided, the generator may ask more questions about your site / business. Enter any information you think is important to know.
  5. Click Go to Dashboard to exit the business set-up when you're done.
The AI set-up chat. The cursor is hovering over the text field to write a response in the chat.

Step 2 | Generate a site with AI

After you've entered your site details, begin generating your site with AI. The look and content is based on your business information and needs, so you can create something personal to you and your business.

To generate your site:

  1. Click Design Site from your site dashboard.
  2. Select Create a site with AI.
  3. Use the options to tell the generator what you want, such as the pages you'd like to add, your logo etc.
  4. Read the site brief to ensure it's correct.
  5. Click Generate Site.
The site design chat. The cursor is clicking the Contact Us page to have it added to the site.

Step 3 | Customize your site

Once your site has been generated, you can adjust it as needed to ensure it looks the way you want. Continue with the design, make some small changes, or regenerate the site to start fresh.
  1. Choose what you want to do with your AI-generated site:
    • Edit site brief: Select what you want to change from the site's brief:
      • Information: Click site profile and / or site description to update site or business details.
      • Pages: Select site structure to adjust the pages you have on your site.
    • Design and elements: Click site theme or layout to update your site's look and design.
    • Make it a little different: Generate a new theme and layout using the same brief for your site.
    • Regenerate site: Start fresh, and generate a new site.
  2. Once you're finished, click Continue with This Site to open your new site in the Wix Editor.
The preview of the AI-generated site, with the brief on the left. The cursor is clicking the Continue with This Site button.

