Wix Editor: About the Mobile Editor

Want your site to look amazing on mobile? Use the mobile Editor to create a mobile view that's fully functional and professional-looking. 
Optimize your pages' layout, change the background, hide desktop content and replace it with mobile-only elements. To enhance the experience even further, you can add elements like a Back to Top button and a Quick Action bar.
Click here to see a list of compatible mobile devices and browsers.

Using the mobile Editor

You can access the mobile Editor anytime by clicking the Mobile icon  on the top of the Editor. 
Your mobile view is a reflection of your desktop view, which means it displays all the same elements and content. Your fonts, images and elements are automatically resized for optimal view, which gives you time to make the mobile experience truly unique.

The left-side menu

On the left side of the Editor, you'll find the tools you need to customize your mobile-friendly view. Add new elements, navigate between site pages, access hidden desktop elements, use the Page Layout Optimizer and more.

Hidden desktop elements

For your convenience, Wix automatically creates a mobile-friendly version of your site using the content from your desktop site. In this process, elements that aren't optimized for mobile are automatically hidden (e.g., hover interactions, third-party apps and more).
Click the Hidden Elements icon  on the left side of the Editor to see these elements. If there are additional elements you don't want to display on mobile, you can hide and unhide them as you wish.

Customizing your mobile view

The mobile Editor gives you full creative freedom while adjusting your site to mobile. You can make small adjustments and keep the same feel, or create a different look just for mobile. The design changes you make on mobile don't affect your desktop version.
Click below to learn how to:

Adding mobile-only elements

The mobile Editor lets you add as many elements as you need to your mobile view. These elements are completely optimized for mobile so you don't have to worry about sizing. You can add text, images, buttons, embeds and more directly from the Add panel. 
Elements that you add on mobile don't appear on the the desktop version of your site. Mobile-only elements are marked with an icon  so you can easily understand what appears where. 
Mobile-only elements cannot be pasted to the desktop Editor. You can add elements to the desktop Editor with the Add panel.

Mobile tools

The Mobile Tools panel provides useful features that increase engagement and make site navigation much easier on mobile. 
Add a welcome screen to greet your visitors, a Quick Action bar to drive them to action, and a Back to Top button at the bottom of long pages. For visitors who are using Chrome on Android, you can also make the browser's theme color change once they enter your site.

Using the Page Layout Optimizer

If you're building your site using the new Editor experience, you won't have access to the Page Layout Optimizer tool. This is because Wix automatically optimizes your mobile layout in the new Editor experience. 
The Page Layout Optimizer is a tool that helps you update the mobile layout of a site page. It automatically re-orders elements on your page to get the best layout for mobile. 
Don't like the optimized layout?
You can click Undo to revert to your original page layout.  
Prefer keeping the desktop version?

