Wix Apps: Get Image Colors

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Using the Get Image Colors add-on, you can make your own unique color palette from the images on your site. 

The add-on lets you sample a total of five colors and turn them into your own color palette. Once you've sampled your colors, you can then add them to any element on your site. 
The Get Image Colors add-on is only available in the Wix Studio Editor.
A screenshot showing an image selected on the Editor, with five colors sampled from the image.

Adding the Get Image Colors add-on

Add the Get Image Colors add-on from the tools in your Studio Editor.

To add the Get image colors add-on:

  1. Click the Wix Studio icon  at the top left.
  2. Click Tools
  3. Click Editor Add-ons
  4. Click Get Add-ons
  5. Click Get Image Colors
A screenshot showing the Wix Studio icon and the option to get Add-ons.


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