Wix Analytics Sales Forecast

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Currently, Wix Analytics Sales Forecast is not available for all sites.
Wix Analytics Sales Forecast analyzes your site’s sales history to predict the amount you’re expected to get in sales over the upcoming weeks and months. Your forecast is based on your sales history, seasonal trends, and past marketing activities of sites like yours. Your Sales Forecast also displays recommendations to help boost your sales further.


Accessing your Sales Forecast

Wix Analytics Sales Forecast is currently not available for all sites, and we're working to make this available to all in the near future.

To find your Sales Forecast:

  1. Go to your Sales Overview.
  2. On the Sales Forecast tile, click Check it Out

Understanding lowest and highest forecasts

The lowest forecast is the estimated amount you'll get from sales if you stop all marketing activities, such as paid ads, social posts, and email campaigns. The calculation is based on direct and organic search traffic only.
The highest forecast is the estimated amount you can potentially reach by following the recommendations you receive, based on the analysis of other sites like yours.
You can change your Sales Forecast to predict sales or orders, and change the timeframe shown to 6 months, or 8 weeks.
Sales Forecast accuracy:
Your forecast is an estimation, based on your site's past activities and marketing. There are, of course, factors that can't be anticipated, so your final outcome may be different.

Using your sales forecast recommendations

Your recommendations are a set of tips to help boost your sales. You can choose which tips to follow according to your marketing budget. Viewing your forecast you'll discover expected trends in sales so you can prepare for seasonal milestones, and by following recommendations, you can see the effect marketing has on your sales.
To access your recommendations, click See marketing tips, or Learn how to get here.

