Using Wix Analytics Alerts

4 min read
Wix Analytics alerts help you to track your site data and business activity. There are two types of alerts:
  • Alerts by Wix: Default alerts that we send you automatically, if there are significant increases or decreases in your daily or weekly Site Sessions and Total Sales. 
  • Custom Alerts: You can create your own alerts that focus on the data you want to monitor.
In this article, learn more about Wix Analytics alerts:
Good to know:
There are 3 types of notifications - email, dashboard notifications and push notifications (through the Wix mobile app). You can manage your notification settings at any time from your site's dashboard.

Preset alerts by Wix

Wix Analytics collects your statistical data over initial periods of 3 months for daily alerts, and 1 year for weekly alerts. This helps to build an algorithm which distinguishes between real statistical fluctuations, random fluctuations, and seasonal behavior.
After the initial periods, your statistical data continues to be collected and is compared to previous data to detect significant changes. For example, an unexpected surge in Total Sales on a particular day (unrelated to seasonal events), would be considered a significant change and would result in an alert notification being sent.
Analytics notifications will only be triggered after your site has generated enough data to run the algorithm.

Creating custom alerts

You have the option to set up fresh alerts to stay informed about shifts in your data. For example, you could create an alert to be notified when your total daily sales exceed $1000, or if your daily visitor count falls below 100.

To create a new alert:

  1. Go to Alerts and Emails in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click + Create New Alert.
A screenshot of the Create New Alert button in Alerts and Emails in a site's dashboard.
  1. Set up your alert:
    1. Click the Select a stat drop-down and choose from a list of measures grouped by Traffic, Sales, Blog, and People data.
    2. In Check every, set the frequency of the alert (daily, weekly or monthly).
    3. Choose the relevant option from the If there is drop-down (e.g. More than, Less than, etc.) 
    4. Click the Number drop-down and enter the threshold. For example, set the alert to notify you if your total orders increase by 100 or more.
  2. 保存をクリックする。
A screenshot of creating a new custom alert in a site's dashboard.

Deactivating alerts

You have the option to disable both the default alerts provided by Wix and any custom alerts you've created. This is a great option if you may want to use the alert again in the future. 

To deactivate an analytics alert:

  1. Go to Alerts and Emails in your site's dashboard.
  2. Disable the toggle next to the alert you want to deactivate.
    Tip: You can enable the toggle and reactivate the alert at any time.
A screenshot of disabling toggles next to alerts in a site's dashboard.

Editing custom alerts

Edit your custom alerts to match the ever changing needs of your business. Whether you want to be notified about a decrease in number of page views, or an increase in number of items sold, alerts can be updated as you need. 

To edit your custom alerts:

  1. Go to Alerts and Emails in your site's dashboard.
  2. をクリックする。 Edit alert  next to the custom alert you want to edit.
A screenshot of an alert for daily site sessions.
  1. Update the conditions that trigger the alert.
  2. 保存をクリックする。

Deleting custom alerts

Delete custom alerts you no longer need to stay organized and only get notified for what matters most. 

To delete a custom alert:

  1. Go to Alerts and Emails in your site's dashboard.
  2. をクリックする。 削除 アイコン  next to the custom alert you want to delete.
A screenshot of deleting a custom alert in a site's dashboard.
  1. Click Delete Alert.

