Email Marketing: Using a Custom Email Domain to Send Your Campaigns

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A custom email is a branded domain name that can be used for your marketing campaign. Custom email domains reinforce your brand with customers and make it easier for them to find your business later. 
Front and center in your campaign, they contain the name of a network or the computer hosting your email address.

For example, if your email address is "", your email domain would be "".
If you already own a domain, you can add a business email address and send your email campaigns from a custom email domain. 

Setting up your custom email domain

Custom Email Domains enable easy access to your business email anywhere. Learn more about getting started with email marketing campaigns. 
If you already have a custom email domain, and need tips on how to optimize your campaign, learn more about improving the deliverability of your campaign

Benefiting from your custom email domain

  • Strengthen your brand: Choosing a custom domain for can help you build brand awareness. 
  • Build trust: Emails sent from a custom domain are less likely to be marked as Spam. 
  • Discoverability: Search engines look at the root domain, so the more campaigns you run using the same domain, the better your chances are of appearing as a top search. 
Some mail services may reject email marketing campaigns sent from free public domains such as Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL.

