Understanding Wix Blog Analytics Reports

4 min read
Explore trends and gain insights in visitor behaviour on your blog. Wix Analytics reports provide data to answer questions such as "Which blog post has received the most reactions?" and "What day of the week does my blog receive the most views?".
When a site owner logs in to their Wix account, any visits using the same device & browser to their own sites won't be counted in Wix Analytics reports. 

Learn more about your blog reports:

Blog Activity over Time Report

The Blog Activity over Time report shows which days, weeks, or months your blog has received the most post views, visitors, reactions, and more.

You can use this report to:
  • See how many visitors your blog has attracted over time.
  • View your blog likes, shares, and reactions over specific time periods, and compared to previous periods.
wix analytics blog activity over time report

Top Blog Posts Report

The Top Blog Posts report displays your best performing posts in terms of views during specific timeframes. 

You can use this report to:
  • Understand what your most popular blog posts are in terms of views, likes, shares, comments, and reactions.
  • See how your blog post views have changed over time, to understand if actions you've taken or new blog posts published have impacted views.
wix analytics top blog posts report


The Blog Activity by Time of Day report displays shows when your blog receives the most traffic.

You can use this report to:
  • Discover when your blog receives the most reactions (likes, shares, and comments) by day of week and time of day.
  • See how the average amount of visitors to your blog fluctuates throughout the week.

Check out our complete step-by-step guide to blogging or watch the video in Wix Learn on tracking your blog analytics.

