Tracking Google Ads Conversions Using Google Tag Manager

4 min read
Google Ads conversion tracking is a way to measure the conversion actions that users take on your Wix site after they click or view your Google ads. For example, a visitor might reach a purchase confirmation page on your site after clicking an ad. 
You can use Google Tag Manager to track your Google Ads conversion actions by setting up variables, triggers, and tags that use the Conversion ID and Label ID of the action you want to track.
  • You need to connect Google Tag Manager to your site before you can set up conversion tracking.
  • By using this service, you are engaging directly with a third-party service provider. We recommend reviewing the service provider's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use prior to your use of such third-party service. You acknowledge that we are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from your use of such third-party service, including any liability arising from any personal data exchanged between you and such third-party.

Step 1 | Create a conversion action in Google Ads

First, you need to create a conversion action in your Google Ads account. This gives you the Conversion ID and Label ID that you need to use in Google Tag Manager to track the action.

To create a conversion action:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account
  2. (If you're using Smart Mode) Click the Tools & Settings icon select Switch to Expert Mode.
    Note: After you make this switch, it's not possible to switch back to Smart Mode. 
  3. クリック Tools & Settings at the top.
  4. Select Conversions under Measurement in the drop-down menu.
Selecting conversions from the Tools and Settings menu in Google Ads
  1. Click New conversion action.
  2. Select Website
  3. Enter your website domain.
  4. Click Scan.
  5. Scroll down to Create conversion actions manually using code.
  6. Click Add a conversion manually.
  7. Select the type of conversion action to track from the Goal and action optimization drop-down menu.
  8. Enter a name for the conversion action in the Conversion name field.
Creating a conversion in Google Ads
  1. Select Use different values for each conversion in the Value section.
    Note: You don't need to change the default value.
  2. 完了をクリックする。 
  3. Click Save and continue.
  4. Select the Use Google Tag Manager tab.
  5. Make a note of the Conversion ID and Conversion Label ID.
Getting your Conversion ID and Conversion Label ID

Step 2 | Set up your conversion action in Google Tag Manager

After you've created your conversion action, you need to set up 2 variables in your Google Tag Manager account. Then, you need to create 2 triggers that use these variables so that you can track your conversion action. Finally, you can start tracking the conversion action by creating 2 tags. 

a | Create 2 variables

  1. (If required) Select the container that you want to create variables in.
  2. Click Variables
  3. Click New under User-Defined Variables.
  4. Enter "dl_transaction_id" as the name for the variable.
  5. Click Choose a variable type to begin setup
  6. Select Data Layer Variable under Page Variables.
  7. Enter "" under Data Layer Variable Name.
  8. 保存をクリックする。 
  9. Click New under User-Defined Variables.
  10. Enter "dl_conversion_value" as the name for the variable.
  11. Click Choose a variable type to begin setup
  12. Select Data Layer Variable under Page Variables.
  13. Enter "ecommerce.purchase.actionField.revenue" under Data Layer Variable Name.
  14. 保存をクリックする。 

b | Create 2 triggers

  1. Click Triggers.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a name for the trigger. We recommend "tr_pageview" or similar.
  4. Click Choose a trigger type to begin setup
  5. Select Custom Event under Other.
  6. Enter "Pageview" under Event name.
  7. 保存をクリックする。
  8. Click New
  9. Enter a name for the trigger. We recommend "tr_purchase" or similar.
  10. Click Choose a trigger type to begin setup
  11. Select Custom Event under Other.
  12. Enter "Purchase" under Event name.
  13. 保存をクリックする。

c | Create 2 tags

  1. Click Tags.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a name for the tag. We recommend "conversion_linker" or similar.
  4. Click Choose a tag type to begin setup
  5. Select Conversion Linker.
  6. Click Choose a trigger to make this tag fire
  7. Select tr_pageview
  8. 保存をクリックする。
  9. Click New.
  10. Enter a name for the tag. We recommend "conversion_tracking" or similar.
  11. Click Choose a tag type to begin setup
  12. Select Google Ads Conversion Tracking.
  13. Enter the following information:
    • Conversion ID: Enter your Conversion ID from your Google Ads conversion action.
    • Conversion Label: Enter your Conversion Label ID from your Google Ads conversion action.
    • Conversion Value: Enter "dl_conversion_value".
    • Transaction ID: Enter "dl_transaction_id".
    • Currency Code: Enter your 3-character currency code.
  14. Click Choose a trigger to make this tag fire
  15. Select tr_purchase.
  16. 保存をクリックする。

Step 3 | Connect Google Ads in your site's dashboard

The last step after you've created your variables, triggers, and tags is to connect Google Ads to your Wix site in your dashboard. 

To connect Google Ads:

  1. Go to Marketing Integrations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Connect under Google Ads.
  3. Click Add Google Ads Tag.
  4. Add your conversion ID.
  5. 保存をクリックする。

