Studio Editor: Using Site Comments

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Comments allow you to effectively communicate with other team members while collaborating on a site. You can attach files, tag collaborators, and manage comments for a smooth design process.

Adding comments

Got feedback for a collaborator? Add a comment to an element, section, or overall page. You can also choose the breakpoint to ensure everyone has the information they need.

To add a comment:

  1. Open the relevant page in the editor.
  2. Select the relevant breakpoint.
  3. Choose what you want to add the comment to:
    • ページ: Select コメント  on the bottom left of the editor.
    • Section / element: 
      1. Select the relevant section / element.
      2. Click the Click コメント アイコン  .
  4. Type your comment in the box.
  5. (Optional) Use the options to add further detail:
    • Tagging: Type @, then the name of the team member you want to tag.
    • Formatting: Click an icon to add formatting to the text (bold, underline, and bulleted list).
    • Attaching files: をクリックする。 Attach files アイコン  to add files / images.
  6. Click the icon  to post the comment.
The comments panel is open. A tagged comment has been typed, and an image is attached. The post comment icon is highlighted.
Did you know?
When you tag a team member in a comment / respond to another comment, the recipient gets an email and dashboard notification.

Viewing and managing comments

Each page has its own comments panel, so it's easier to view and provide specific feedback. You can filter the view, respond, and edit comments as needed to manage and streamline the design process. 

To view and manage comments:

  1. Open the relevant page in the editor.
  2. Select コメント  on the bottom left of the editor.
  3. やりたいことを選択する:
    • Filter the view: Click the drop-down menu to select a filter for the comments: 
      • Open: Open comments that have not been resolved.
      • Resolved: Comments that were already resolved.
      • My comments: Comments that are related to you directly. This includes both comments that you have added and other comments that mention you. 
      • Current breakpoint: Comments related only to the breakpoint you're currently viewing (e.g. desktop, mobile). 
    • Reply: Click Reply on a comment to respond in the thread.
    • Edit / Delete / Re-open: Hover over your comment, then click the その他のアクション アイコン to edit your comment, or delete it entirely. If the comment has been resolved, you can also re-open it.
    • Resolve: Hover over the relevant comment, then click the Resolve アイコン .
The comments panel is open. The icon to open the panel is highlighted. The cursor is hovering over the resolve icon.

