Studio Editor: Managing Your Site Styles

Manage the site's text styles, colors, page transitions, and max width from one place. Creating a theme for your client's site is a great, holistic way to save time and ensure the design is consistent. 
A GIF showing the Site Styles panel, clicking the Fonts, Text styles and Max width sections to expand them
In this article, learn how to:

Editing the fonts and text styles

Customize the text used across the site to match the look you want to achieve. You can change the site fonts, or adjust the look of the 9 individual text styles (6 headings, 3 paragraphs).   
H1 - H6 are heading tags that are automatically assigned to these titles. Keeping the top-down hierarchy of your titles, in accordance with the heading tags, helps both SEO and accessibility. 

To update a typography style:

  1. クリック Site Styles  エディターの左側にある
  2. Choose what you want to customize - a font, or a text style:

Adding text styles to a page

Themed titles and paragraphs are available for you to use from the Add Elements panel. Click Text and drag the relevant style under Text Themes to the desired location. 
A screenshot of the text themes available in the Add Elements panel. The Theme text subheading is highlighted.

Applying a style to a text element

You can also apply a style on an existing text element on the page. Click Edit Text on the element and select the relevant Style from the drop-down in the Inspector
A cropped screenshot of the Design section in the Inspector. The style drop-down is highlighted.

Overriding text styles

If you change a text element's design after selecting a style (theme) for it, you're creating a "design override". This means that any updates to the chosen style don't apply to this text element. 
You can reset text elements with overrides to their original style. Additionally, you can also apply overrides you like to the style itself. Hover over スタイル and click the その他のアクション アイコン undefined to select what you want to do.
The design tab of text in the Inspector. The cursor is hovering over the Reset option from the text style.

Changing the site colors

Define the site's theme colors. Theme colors are divided into categories, so you can adjust them for specific parts of the site. Customize the overall range of a category, or a specific shade in a range.
This action instantly affects the elements with the color you want to change. For example, any themed elements you added, or other elements you used this color on.

To change the site colors:

  1. クリック Site Styles  エディターの左側にある
  2. Choose what you want to adjust - a color range, or an individual color:

Adding a page transition

Add a page transition to make the navigation experience more engaging for visitors. Once you choose a transition from the Site Styles panel, it appears on every page of the site. 

To add a page transition:

  1. クリック Site Styles  エディターの左側にある
  2. Click Page Transitions.
  3. Select a transition from the list:
    • None: No transition is shown when visitors move between pages.
    • Out-In: The current page fades out and the new page fades in.
A screenshot of the Site Styles panel with the Page Transitions section open, selecting the Out-In transition


Select a question to learn more about site styles.

