Slideshow Video Settings

読了目安時間: 2分

Want to add an overlay pattern?
Select an overlay pattern. Select the None option to have no overlay pattern.

Overlay color
Click the toggle to enable or disable the overlay color option.
  • Enabled: Overlay pattern has a color and can be customized (see below).
  • Disabled: Overlay pattern has no color.

Opacity & Color
Click the color to select a color from the Color Picker. Drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity of the overlay color.

Where's the video positioned?
Select a position on the grid.

Play Speed
Select a speed option from the drop-down menu.

Play in a loop
Click the toggle to enable or disable video looping.
  • Enabled: The video plays on repeat.
  • Disabled: The video plays once on loading.
Videos are not displayed on the mobile-friendly version of your site.

