Site Members: Customizing the Member Approval Email

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Customize the email that new site members receive when you approve their membership requests. When you approve a new member's request, they receive a default email to let them know. 
You can tailor this email to match your style and brand. Add images, change the text, and use dynamic values for a more personalized touch. Learn more about customizing automated emails.
An example of the email members receive when their membership is approved.
  • To use this feature, you must have your Signup & Login Security settings set to Only people I manually approve. No approval email is sent if this setting is turned off.  
  • Using a domain-based email for the sender details is recommended as there are limitations with the sender details of free email services (e.g. Gmail, yahoo). 

To customize your member approval email:

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Installed for you tab. 
  3. Find the automation titled Let site members know they’re approved.
A screenshot of the Installed for you Wix automations. The site members approval email is highlighted.
  1. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン  next to the automation and select 編集.
  2. Scroll down to Action 1 (Send an email) and click Edit in the Create an email section. 
A screenshot showing the Edit button to edit an email template in an automation.
  1. Edit the contents of the email:
    • Subject line: Click Edit next to the subject line to adjust the subject line. You can click + Personalize to add a dynamic value.
    • Text: Click the text element(s) you want to edit and adjust the text. Then use the panel on the left to adjust the formatting or design.
    • Button: Click the button and use the panel on the left to edit its content or design.
    • Add: Click Add in the panel on the left to add elements to the email.
    • Themes: Click Themes in the panel on the left to personalize the theme of the email.
    • Background: Click Background on the panel on the left to update the background.
A screenshot showing the editing of an template for members area approval emails.
  1. (Optional) Click Preview & test to generate a preview and send yourself a test email. 
  2. Click Save & Continue when you're done customizing the email. 
  3. Click Save to save the automation.

