Showing or Hiding Elements on the Post Page in the New Wix Blog

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This article is about the new Wix Blog. For information about the previous Wix Blog, click here.
When your visitors view a specific post they will be able to see some additional information relating to that post. Depending on what information you'd like your vistors to see, you can add or hide any of the following elements on the single post page: 
Author name & picture
Publish date
Reading time
Post title
Date of last update
Category labels
Views counter
Comments counter
Likes counter

To show or hide elements on the post page:

  1. をクリックする。 My Blog アイコン エディターの左側にある
  2. Click Blog Pages.
  3. Click Post.  
  4. Click the Post Page in the Editor.
  5. 設定をクリックします。 
  6. 表示タブをクリックする。
  7. Select or deselect the elements you want to display.

