Setting Where a Category is Displayed

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You can decide where you want to display each of your categories. Find the perfect placement that works for your site.

Step 1 | Set if the category is available for display

If you want to display a category on your live site, enable the Active on your site toggle. When you disable the toggle, the category is hidden from almost everywhere.  
When disabling the Active on your site toggle for a category that was previously displayed, make sure to check your site:
  • If you previously linked a category to your site menu, remove it to avoid a 404 error page.
  • If you previously displayed it in a Product Gallery, set the gallery to display another category or delete the gallery from your page to avoid a blank gallery.

Step 2 | Set if the category appears in the category list

Categories that are active are added automatically to the category list in your store's Category Page. 
The category list does not appear when viewing your site on mobile. We recommend adding categories to the site menu. 
You can, however, hide a category from the list or hide the entire list.

To hide categories or the category list:

  1. クリック ページ&メニューエディターの左側にある
  2. Click Store Pages.
  3. Click Category Page.
  4. Click the Category Page in the Editor twice.
  5. 設定をクリックします。
  6. Click the Sidebar tab.
  7. Select Edit Category List.
  8. Select what you want to hide:
    • Hide the entire list: Disable the Show category list toggle.
    • Hide individual categories: 
      1. Select Customize & reorder the list manually.
      2. Deselect the checkbox next to the category you want to hide.
From here you can also reorder the categories in the list.
Screenshot of List tab in the Category Page settings

Step 3 | (Optional) Add the category to your site menu

Each active category has its own URL that you can add to your menu. You may want, for example, to display your "Sale" category directly on your site's menu. 
Since the Category Page doesn't display the list of categories on mobile, adding them to the site menu is the best way to give your customers easy access to them.

To add a category to the site menu:

  1. クリック ページ&メニューエディターの左側にある
  2. Click Site Menu.
  3. Click the Link icon  at the bottom.
Screenshot of Pages & Menu in the Editor, with the page link option outlined
  1. Select Page on the left.
  2. Select Category Page from the Which Page? drop-down.
Screenshot of Site Pages & Menu with link popup open
  1. Select the category you want to display from the Which item? drop-down.
  2. 完了をクリックする。

Step 4 | (Optional) Display a category on a site page

You can add a Product Gallery to any site page and select an active category to display there. For example, you can display your most popular items in a gallery on the homepage. 

To display a category in a gallery:

  1. Go to the relevant page in the Editor.
  2. Go to the Add panel:
    • Wix Editor: クリック 追加  on the left side of the Editor
    • Editor X: クリック エレメントの追加  at the top of Editor X.
  3. Click Store.
  4. Drag Product Gallery or Slider Gallery on to your page.
  5. Click the gallery twice. 
  6. Click Choose Category.
  1. Select the category you want to display.


