Setting Pricing Rules for POD Products

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The ability to create and sell POD products with Modalyst is being discontinued. Learn more
  • From July 15, 2024, you'll no longer be able to create new POD products. 
  • On Sept. 9, 2024, existing POD products will be removed from your store.
When you add an individual Modalyst product to your store, it comes with a default markup. You can select this product and update its pricing.
Instead of individually updating your markup, you can create your own pricing rule. This changes the default pricing setting for all future products. The changes will also apply to existing products in most circumstances (see FAQ below for details).   
In this screen, you can set pricing rules for POD (print on demand) products. To create pricing rules for Ready-to-Sell dropshipping products, go to the Modalyst dashboard. 
In this article, learn how to:

Add a multiplied markup

By default, Modalyst adds a multiplied markup of 1.60. Product prices are multiplied by this number to determine the price your customer pays. This means that when a product costs you $10, it will automatically be sold in your store for $16.00. 
You can enter a different markup. For example, if you change the markup to 1.8, a $10 product will be sold for $18.

To add a multiplied markup:

  1. Select Multiply.
  2. Enter the markup multiplier.
  3. 保存をクリックする。

Add an added markup

You can add a fixed amount to the price you pay for a product. For example, if you sell t-shirts that cost you $10 and add $8 as your added markup, customers pay $18.

To add an added markup:

  1. Select Add amount.
  2. Enter the amount.
  3. 保存をクリックする。

Include shipping in the product price

You can account for your shipping costs by including the shipping rate in the price you charge your customer. By default, the shipping rate is estimated at $6. You can enter your own shipping rate estimation.
While you can include shipping costs in the product price, customers will still be charged for any additional shipping costs set up in the Wix dashboard unless a free shipping rule is applied. To make sure your customer doesn't pay shipping, set up a free shipping rule.

To include shipping costs:

  1. Click the Include shipping rate toggle to enable it.
  2. (Optional) Enter a new shipping rate.
  3. 保存をクリックする。

Set a consistent price ending

By default, product prices are rounded off the nearest .25 cents (e.g. $10.25, $10.50 and so on). You can set a specific round off price so that all your prices have the same amount of cents. For example, set it so that all prices end in .99 cents  ($10.99, $12.99, $5.99).

To set a consistent price ending:

  1. Click the Change price ending toggle to enable it.
  2. (Optional) Enter a new cent value.
  3. 保存をクリックする。


Click a question below to learn more about pricing rules for POD products.

