Roles & Permissions: Changing a Collaborator's Role

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Different roles give collaborators access to different parts of your site and dashboard. You can update a collaborator's role as their responsibilities change over time.
In this article, learn how to:

Checking a collaborator's role

If you're not sure what role your collaborator has, or what they can access, you can check it on the Roles & Permissions page. 

To check a collaborator's role:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.
  2. Browse or search for the relevant collaborator.
  3. Check the role in the Role column and hover over it to learn more.
A screenshot of a collaborator in the Roles and Permissions section of a Wix account.

Changing a collaborator's role

You have full control over your collaborators' roles. You can change them at any time according to your needs or add an additional role.

To change a collaborator's role:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions  icon next to the relevant collaborator.
  3. 役割の変更」をクリックします。
A screenshot showing how to change a site collaborator role in a Wix account.
  1. Select or deselect the relevant roles.
  2. 保存をクリックする。

Removing a collaborator from your site

Remove a collaborator's access, so they can no longer log in or make any changes to your site and dashboard.

To remove a collaborator's access:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions  icon next to the relevant collaborator.
  3. Click Remove.
Screenshot of the Roles and Permissions page. On a Collaborator, More Actions is open, and the cursor is over
  1. Click Remove to confirm.
    Note: Collaborators with management-level roles can remove other collaborators, but only if they have the same permissions as the role they are removing. 
For collaborators:
If you no longer wish to contribute to a site, you can remove yourself as a collaborator.

