Request: Adding a .txt File to the Top-Level Domain for Google Analytics Verification

If you lose access to your Google Analytics account for any reason, Google may require that you add a .txt file to your site's top-level domain (root of the domain) in order to verify that you own it. However, it's currently not possible to add this kind of file to your Wix site. 
To resolve this issue, we recommend contacting Google and requesting an alternative verification method, such as adding a dedicated meta tag. 
You can try adding a meta tag with the following information to the page that you set as the Default URL of your property in Google Analytics. Replace the placeholder text with your email address, UA-ID, and the date. 

GooGhywoiu9839t543j0s7543uw1 - pls add {INSERT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS} to GA account {INSERT YOUR UA-ID} with ‘Manage Users and Edit’ permissions - date {INSERT THE DATE}."
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