Receiving Your Wix Analytics Monthly Highlights Email

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This feature is currently only available for English language sites.
Premium account holders will receive an email summary of their site’s key stats. The stats you'll see in the email are based on the type of site you have. For example, if you have a blog you'll see stats based on Post Views, and if you have a store you'll see Sales stats. If you recently published a new Wix site, you'll receive your email at the beginning of the following month.
To receive a Monthly Highlights email:
  • Your site must be subscribed to a Wix Premium Plan.
  • Your site must receive 30+ site visits during the previous month.
If you can't locate your Monthly Highlights email:
  • Check your email's spam or junk folder.
  • Set up your Wix account using the wrong email address? You can change this here.

