Embedding Songkick Tour Dates on Your Wix Site

読了目安時間: 2分
Embed your tour dates from Songkick to your Wix site, by copying the embed code and pasting it in your Editor. 
Your account needs to be set up as the manager of the requested artist.
A screenshot of the Songkick landing page.

To embed tour dates:

  1. Log in to Songkick.
  2. Go to the tour dates portal
  3. Customize the options in the panel on the right.
A screenshot of the tour dates widget in Songkick, showing the options to customize.
  1. Click Grab the code
  2. Go to your Wix Editor.
  3. クリック エレメントの追加  エディターの左側にある
  4. Click Embed Code.
  5. Click Embed HTML.
A screenshot of the the Add Elements panel showing the option to Embed HTML.
  1. Paste the code you copied from step 4 into the Add your code here (HTTPS only) field. 
  2. Click Update
  3. (Optional) Enter alt text that describes what you're embedding in the What's in the embed? Tell Google field. 
  4. 準備ができたら、サイトを公開する。 

