Embedding an Odnoklassniki (OK) Like Button on Your Site

読了目安時間: 2分
Embed a 'Like' button from Odnoklassniki (OK) to your Wix site by copying the embed code from OK and pasting it in your Editor. 
A screenshot of a 'like' button created on Odnoklassniki

Step 1: Retrieve the button code from Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki allows you to generate code to create different widgets on your site. To add a Like button to your site, generate and copy the code of the Like/Share button.

To generate the code:

  1. Go to Odnoklassniki.
  2. Customize your button in the button builder.
  3. Copy the code that appears under Code to insert.
A screenshot of the code to copy in Odnoklassniki

Step 2 | Embed the code into your site

Go to your Wix or Studio Editor and embed the code that you retrieved in step 1.

  1. クリック エレメントの追加  エディターの左側にある
  2. Click Embed Code.
  3. Click Embed HTML.
A screenshot of the the Add Elements panel showing the option to Embed HTML.
  1. Click Enter Code.
  2. Make sure Code is selected under What do you want to add?.
  3. Paste the code you copied from step 1 into the Add your code here (HTTPS only) field. 
  4. Click Apply
  5. (Optional) Enter alt text that describes what you're embedding in the What's in the embed? Tell Google field. 
  6. 準備ができたら、サイトを公開する。

