Dropdown Settings

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Field title:
  • Use this field to add a title to your dropdown menu.

Show initial text:
  • None: The dropdown starts off empty.
  • Placeholder text: The dropdown displays a hint to the user of what to enter. The hint disappears as soon as the user selects an item. Set the placeholder text in the section below.
  • Item from dropdown: The dropdown displays one of its list items. This also serves as its default value if the user makes no selection. Select the item in the section below.

Placeholder Text:
  • Enter the text of the placeholder text that appears inside the dropdown menu. Placeholder text, e.g., "Choose an option", appears when the field is empty.

    Note: This section only appears if you select Placeholder text above.

  • Enable the toggle to allow site visitors to filter a list of options by typing text into the dropdown element.

    Note: This section only appears if you select Placeholder Text or Item from dropdown above.

Dropdown list type:
  • Custom: Select this option to customize the drop-down list in the design panel. On mobile, the list type is always set to Browser.
  • Browser: Select this option to use the browser's default theme on the dropdown list.

This field is:
  • Required: Use this to ensure that your users have entered a value before the data is submitted. 

