Disabling 2Checkout's Unfinished Payments Feature to Avoid Failed Transactions

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Unfinished Payments is a 2CheckOut feature which creates a follow-up email. Unfortunately, this feature is not supported by Wix. Therefore, you should make sure it's disabled in your 2checkout account to avoid failed transactions in your Wix account.
Unfinished Payments is not enabled by default. If you have enabled this feature, we recommend you disable it by following the steps below. 

To disable unfinished payments in 2Checkout:

  1. Log in to your 2Checkout account in the Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Go to your Dashboard. 
  3. Click Marketing tools.
  4. Click Lead Management.
  5. Click Manage your leads
  6. Scroll down to Order recovery.
  7. Click Edit beside Unfinished payment.
8.  Click No under Enable order recovery follow-up
9.  Click Update settings

