Compatible Mobile Operating Systems

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Wix currently tests and offers support for the following devices and browsers:
Smartphones and Android tablets display the mobile-friendly version of your site, but iPads show the desktop version. Click here to learn about Wix sites compatibility with tablets.
Wix sites load on Windows phones, however we are currently not testing functionality and therefore, are unable to offer support for any issues that may occur on this type of device. We made a thorough investigation and discovered that only 0.03% of visitors to Wix sites use a Windows phone. As such, we have decided to focus our efforts on Android and iOS operating systems and devices.
We monitor mobile traffic and if we see an increase in traffic from this device, we will make changes accordingly.
If you are using Google Analytics, you can check the traffic received from different mobile devices in the mobile section.
Important:We do not support Flash on mobile devices. This means that your visitors using these devices will not be able to see any Flash components on your site.

