CMS Request: Looping Previous/Next Navigation Buttons on Dynamic Item Pages

Currently, Previous/Next navigational buttons on dynamic item pages do not loop. When a visitor gets to the last item page returned by the dataset, the Next button is inactive. Similarly, when a visitor is on the first item page, the Previous button is inactive. It is not possible, without using Velo code, to have these buttons continue to navigate visitors through all the items. 
We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is hugely appreciated.


Using Velo, you can create Previous/Next buttons that loop to continuously navigate through your dynamic pages. 
  1. Go to your Editor.
  2. Go to the dynamic item page that has Previous/Next buttons. 
  3. Make sure your Previous/Next buttons' click actions are not connected to the dataset:
    1. Click your Previous button and click the CMSへの接続 アイコン.
    2. Click the Click action connects to drop-down and select Not connected
    3. Repeat steps 3a-3b with your Next button. 
  4. ベロ・デヴ・モードを有効にする: 
    1. Click Dev Mode at the top of the Editor. 
    2. Click Turn on Dev Mode
  5. 以下のコード・スニペットをコピーして、ページ・コードの上部に貼り付けてください:
1import wixLocationFrontend from 'wix-location-frontend';
  1. Copy the code snippet below and paste it after: $w.onReady(function () { 
1$w('#prevBtn').onClick(async () => {
2       const previousPage = await $w('#dynamicDataset').getPreviousDynamicPage();
3       if (previousPage) { }
4       else {'/last-page-url') }
5   })
6   $w('#nextBtn').onClick(async () => {
7       const nextPage = await $w('#dynamicDataset').getNextDynamicPage();
8       if (nextPage) { }
9       else {'/first-page-url') }
10   })
  1. In the sample code you pasted, replace the IDs and URLs listed below with those used by your site: 
    • prevBtn Replace with the ID of your Previous button.
    • nextBtn Replace with the ID of your Next button.
    • dynamic Dataset Replace with the ID of your dynamic page dataset.
    • /last-page-url Replace with the URL slug of the last dynamic item page read by the dataset. 
    • /first-page-url Replace with the URL slug of the first dynamic item page read by the dataset. 
  • Click the relevant button or dataset to find its ID in the Properties and Events panel. Do not remove the hashtags (#) or apostrophes (') in the code.
  • To get the correct first and last dynamic item page URLs, create a custom collection view with the same sorting and filtering as in the dataset settings. You can copy the URL slug from the [Collection] (Item) page link field in your collection.