CMS: Connecting the Signature Input Field to a Collection

読了目安時間: 2分
A signature input on your form allows visitors to sign their name before submitting it. Forms that may require signatures include application forms, registration forms, and incident reporting forms. Learn more.
By connecting your form's signature field to a collection, you can store the signature together with any other information submitted via the form.

To use this feature, the CMS and a submit button are required.
This feature is not yet available in Editor X.

To connect a signature input to a collection:

  1. Select the signature input and click the Connect to Data アイコン .
  2. Select the relevant dataset or create a new one:
3.  Click the Value connects to drop-down and select the field to connect your signature input to. Note: Signatures are stored as images. Make sure to select an Image field type.
4.  Select the submit button and set it up to submit the form.
Test your signature field
Now that your signature field is set up, click Preview on the top bar of the editor and try it out. Open your collection to confirm the signature submitted correctly.
Legal Information:
Legal recognition to electronic signatures may have different and additional requirements according to countries' internal laws/regulations. It is important that you verify which requirements specifically apply to your website, in accordance with local laws, and make sure that you fully comply with them.

