Check-in by Wix: Adding and Managing Staff Members

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Introducing Check-in by Wix, the ultimate solution for seamless event door management. This app empowers your staff to effortlessly handle event logistics, from guest check-ins to ticket scanning. 
You can easily add staff members and assign them to the events you need help with. Then, you provide a unique QR code or direct link, enabling staff members to access the app and manage events.

Adding staff members

Add staff members to an event so they can check in guests, scan their tickets and help manage the guest list.
  1. Log into the Check-in by Wix app.
  2. Tap Manage Staff at the bottom. 
  3. Tap Add Staff
  4. Enter the person's name.
  5. Select the Event access you want your staff member to have:
    • All events: All existing and new events you create.
    • Specific events: You decide which events this staff member can access.
      1. Tap the Select Events drop-down and choose the relevant event.
      2. Tap Done
  6. Tap Save at the top right.
A screenshot of the Add staff member panel in the Check-in by Wix app.
What's next?
Share the invite link with staff members to the app or have them log in using the relevant QR code. 
A screenshot of the Staff login panel to share login credentials in the Check-in by Wix app.

Managing staff members

Once you've added staff members and invited them to the app, you can manage their details and event access as needed.
Check-in app
  1. Log into the Check-in by Wix app.
  2. Tap Manage Staff.
  3. Tap the その他のアクション アイコン  next to the relevant staff member.
  4. やりたいことを選択する:


Click a question to learn more about managing your staff members.

