Wix Contacts: Changing a Contact's Subscription Status

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A contact's subscription status determines what types of email or SMS content you can send them. Contacts in your Wix account have one of the following subscription statuses: 
  • Never subscribed: These are contacts who interacted with your site but did not opt in to your mailing list. They may receive occasional notifications, but you should not send them any marketing emails or text messages.
  • Subscribed: These are contacts who have opted in to your mailing list. You can send them updates, blog posts, and marketing emails.
  • Unsubscribed: These are contacts who actively unsubscribed from your mailing list. They do not receive notifications from your site, and you should not send them any marketing emails or text messages.

Changing a contact's subscription status

You can update a contact's subscription status from Contacts in your site's dashboard.
We recommend that you review email marketing laws and best practices

To change a contact's status:

  1. Go to Contacts in your site's dashboard.
  2. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン  next to the relevant contact and select 編集.
  3. Choose the type of subscription status you want to update:


Learn more about contacts' subscription status' below.

