Changes to Your Wix Payments Payout Policy

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On occasion, we may update the payout policy of your Wix Payments account. This policy protects you and Wix Payments from financial risk and covers any potential chargebacks or refunds. After a period of time, your account may be reviewed to see if your policy is still applicable.

Your payout policy can affect your payouts in 2 ways:

  • Payment processing time: This is the amount of time between funds arriving from your customers and the time they are scheduled for payout. Learn more.
  • Rolling reserve: A portion of your payouts held for a time before later release. Learn more.
Every Wix Payments user has a payout policy. Based on the behavior of your Wix Payments account, your policy may change over time. For example, a Wix Payments account with a low level of chargebacks will see a smaller percentage kept in reserve, and vice versa. If there are little or no chargebacks / refunds in your account, there may be no need to hold any funds in rolling reserve.
  • For any changes to your payout policy, you are notified by email, as well as a notification in your payouts dashboard.
  • You can see an overview of your payouts in your Wix Payments Dashboard.

