Branded App: Setting it as Your Preferred Member App

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If your members are using a Wix member app to access your site (e.g. the Spaces app or Fit by Wix) you can set your branded app as the preferred app once it goes live. After the switch, your branded app will become the primary platform for communicating and engaging with your members.
Once you switch apps, your members are encouraged to download your branded app for the best visitor experience. However, anyone who continues to use another member app (e.g. the Spaces app) will still see content updates.

To choose your branded app as your preferred member app:

  1. Go to your site in the Wix app.
  2. Tap 管理  at the bottom.
  3. Tap Mobile App
  4. Tap the dropdown at the top and select your branded mobile app. 
A screenshot of selecting a branded app to be the preferred members app.
If you don't see your branded app as an option, it means the app isn't live in app stores yet and not ready for people to use. Until the branded app is available, your members can use another member app to interact with your business.

