Apps Made by Wix: Adding and Setting Up the Wix Weather App

4 min read

Give site visitors another reason to check out your site on a daily basis. This handy web app forecasts the weather up to 6 days ahead, for almost any location in the world.

An image showing how the weather app looks on a wix site

Step 1 | Add the Wix Weather app to your site

You can find the Wix Weather app in the Wix App Market. Go to the App Market in your editor to add it to your site and choose which location you want to show.

  1. クリック Add Apps   エディターの左側にある
  2. Search for the Wix Weather app in the search bar.
  3. Click Add to Site.
A screenshot showing how to add the Wix Weather app to a Wix Editor site
  1. Select the app in your editor and click Settings.
  2. Click Set Location.
A screenshot showing where to set your location in the wix weather app
  1. Enter the location details, your desired language and what units the temperature is displayed in (Celsius or Fahrenheit).

Step 2 | Customize how the app looks on your site

Make the Wix Weather app your own with customizable settings. Choose between extended or compact views, adjust the forecast length, and personalize backgrounds, colors, and fonts to suit your style.

To customize how the app looks:

  1. Click the Wix Weather app in your editor.
  2. 設定をクリックします。
  3. をクリックする。 レイアウト tab to choose and customize your layout:
    • Extended: Display the app in full, including info on the location, date etc, and set the display options:
      • Show forecast for: Choose how many days ahead you want to display the forecast for.
      • Show C/F toggle: Enable or disable the toggle which allows visitors to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
      • Show wind, humidity and visibility: Enable or disable the toggle to show or hide more detailed weather information.
        An example of how the weather app looks in the detailed view
    • Compact: Display a smaller version, showing just the temperature and set the the display options:
      • Compact display: Choose to display the app as horizontally or vertically.
      • Position: Align the info in the app to the left, right or center.
        A screenshot showing how the wix weather app looks in a compact, smaller view
  4. Click the Design tab to customize the colors, fonts and background of the app.
    Note: The design options available differ depending on the layout that you chose in step 3.
  5. Click the Animation tab to add animation effects which change according to the actual weather.
    Note: This option is only available for the Extended display layout.

